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Phone 1-856-794-6800
Athletic Dept: ext. 2514

Directions from Atlantic County,
Take Route 322 to Route 40 (Mays Landing).
Stay on 40W into Richland. Cross over the railroad tracks.
Turn Left onto Cedar Avenue.
Stay on Cedar to the '5 Points' intersection.
Go through the intersection.  You are now on Landis Avenue.
Continue to a major intersection with Lincoln Avenue (Rt 665)
(There will be a Shoprite and an Amoco Station)
Turn left onto Lincoln.
Go to the 1st Traffic Light.
Turn right onto Chestnut Avenue.
You will see the school.
(There are additional directions to Football or Soccer matches.)

The Vineland High School campus is located at the intersection of Chestnut Avenue and Brewster Road in Vineland, NJ. Vineland High School - North houses grades 9 and 10, Vineland High School - South, grades 11 and 12. Students at VHS may attend classes at either building. Although the campus is also made up of various athletic fields, Gittone Stadium, with its traditional Gothic architecture, is located at the Landis Avenue site of the current Landis Middle School (listed in The National Register of Historical Places) and still hosts the High School's major athletic events. The Chestnut Avenue campus was initiated in 1963 with the South building, and the North building was completed and dedicated in 1976.
Vineland Public Schools Athletics

Vineland High School Athletic Programs 
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Vineland High School South
2880 E. Chestnut Avenue
Vineland, NJ 08361
(856)794-6800 x2514 fax 794-6878
Robin R. Daplyn, Athletic Director
Donna Sauers, Secretary
(856)794-6800 x2555
David Bennett, Athletic Trainer
(856)794-6800 x2505